The Big Picture
In all that you say and do, continue to be safe, and continue to operate in wisdom.
God is essential
Church is not
For you carry the spirit of Christ,
Deep in your heart.
Whether worshipping remotely
Or sitting in the pews,
We all have been charged,
To spread the good news.
God wants us to praise Him
Wherever we are,
In front of a computer or seated in a car.
Nowadays service seems different,
But the power is just the same,
Because something ALWAYS happens
When you call on Jesus’ name.
With or without a building,
The body of Christ WILL progress,
As long as we’re open to His leading
And His name we continue to profess.
We must believe with all our heart
That Jesus Christ is Lord,
And live a life pleasing to Him
As we worship in one accord.
It doesn’t matter if we’re assembled,
Or separated by distance and space,
We all have a common goal
And that’s to ultimately see His face!!
We’ll continue to give God glory,
With uplifted hands and on bended knee,
Because we are the church, we are His body
We will serve Him faithfully.
Inspirational Thought: You are the church and the church is you! Continue to be encouraged today and don’t allow your faith to waiver. God is essential and He is still in control. Praying a special blessing for all church leaders that God will continue to give them the grace, wisdom, passion, strength, and ability to lead in these times! Lord, continue to draw us to You. Thank You for uncompromised leaders that teach an uncompromised word. Though our fellowship appears different, thank You that we are on one accord!
With or without a building,The body of Christ will be strong.
With or without a building,
We will continue to press on!!