Keep Looking Up!

God is still in the blessing business!! In the midst of a pandemic, He is still opening doors, performing miracles, and making a way. Though the world around you may be in a state of disarray, you must see your sphere differently. The way of the world is often dark and deceptive, but the flow of the Kingdom is divinely orchestrated. Begin to claim that this is your season. Though the world sees lack, opposition, and constraint, God is bestowing blessings and opportunity. Now is not the time to be downcast or dismayed. In God’s economy, there is abundance, overflow, and a bountiful harvest. As the economy struggles to rebuild and businesses vie for their existence, set your sights on Jesus and keep looking to the hills! Hold tight to your faith today. You’re God’s child and you have an awesome inheritance. Abundance is yours. Health is yours. Peace and joy are yours. The promises and blessings of the Lord are yours. Don’t be distracted by the things you see and hear. When you receive a negative report, choose to believe the report of the Lord. Assess what’s going on around you, but see with eyes of discernment. God is your Strength. He’s your Protector and Provider. You are destined to win and you will blossom even in the midst of a dry season. Boss up today and make some management changes in your life. Evict worry. Layoff doubt. Furlough negativity and indecisiveness. Terminate fear and doubt. If the particulars of your life are not progressing as they should, if you don’t have yourself all together, that’s okay; you’re in a good position. God promotes those with a passion and desire to earnestly please Him. Don’t strive to be perfect, strive to be obedient, submitted, and prayerful. Let God handle the rest. Whatever you need, God’s got it!!! Keep looking to the hills! Through prayer, continue to fellowship and commune with God as He guides and directs you. Learn to rest and be content in knowing that God has already made a way for you. Seek and follow His path. Don’t deviate from His way. In doing so, provision is yours. God will place your “check” in the mail and a “stimulus” will follow! Trust and believe that your faithfulness and obedience to God will pay off! Understand that there are no barriers to His mercy and faithfulness. No matter what comes, no matter what goes, keep looking up and rest assured that God is going to show up in your life!!!
Inspirational Thought: God, I’m looking up. Release Your provision. Show me Your way! Thank You in advance for victory! In Jesus' name, Amen.