
  • Step Out In Faith

    Step out in faith today. Don't focus on your situation, but rather focus on the One who is able to turn your situation around. Trust and believe that God will come through for you!
  • Etiquette For The Epidemic

    As governments begin to ease social distancing restrictions, now more than ever is the time to exercise etiquette in public.
  • God Is Doing A New Thing!

    Don't be overwhelmed in a quest for the familiar. God is doing a new thing!
  • Get Up and Get Moving!!!

    Get up and get moving. Activate your resurrection power.
  • Set The Scene

    Resurrection is a time of hope and renewal. In this season of transformation, allow the Lord to set the scene in your life!
  • Adjust Your Focus

    What have you been focusing on? It may be time to reexamine your view.
  • Prayer Works!

    Activate your weapons and watch prayer work for you.
  • Trust In The Plan Of God

    Now is not the time to lean to your own understanding. Pray, focus, and discern, but most importantly, trust God!
  • Think well. Be well. Live well.

    Focused on the cause and committed to making a difference, healthcare workers and first responders give their all day in and day out. Where would we be without them?
  • Nobody But You, Lord!

    Wherever you are today, allow the Lord to minister to you in a mighty way! During this time of rest and stillness, take comfort in the fact that God is with you, God is for you, and He has already moved on your behalf.
  • We Need to Hear From You!

    Get a briefing from the Throne Room to strengthen and empower you. Tune in to see what God has to say . . .
  • Get Quiet!

    Take a moment and discover how much God really loves you. In the midst of trying times, He is always there to see you through.